Day 14, km 700
Dutch rain is like the Wonkavator. Normal rain can only go up and down, but Dutch rain can go sideways, and slantways, and longways, and backways. And frontways? Yes, and squareways, and front ways, and any other ways that you can think of. Today we got our first taste of dutch rain.
I have been appreciative of the good weather we've had for the majority of the trip -- for the blue sky and tumbling cumulus clouds or how it always stops raining when we need to set up or take down the tent -- but these past few days have introduced us to ceartain climatological challenges. And with challenges comes adversity. And with adversity, opposition. Just joking. But seriously, Holland's flatness makes it as much an oasis for bikers as it does for sweeping winds and fast moving weather. I was hoping the winds that whipped our faces and crept into our jacket cuffs coming north would be pushing against our backs coming south. Somehow that was not the case. The wind seemed to greet us head on no matter which direction we were going and brought with it everything from oceanwater to mulch to the scent of cows or roses or old women. Its nice, in a way, being out here and seeing what actually happens when the sane are inside.
Today's weather made me appreciative in a different way. To my aunt and uncle I was appreciative for the paniers and rack that laughed at the rain. To jen of feel good farm in dexter, OR for the softshell jacket which kept me dry for the first 10 minutes and moderately warm for the subsequent hours. To Survivor, Jay Sean, and Raffi I was appreciative for an eclectic and catchy internal soundtrack. To Lucy's parents, Anne and Andy for our collapsible, 4lb something oz summer home. And to my parents, andrew, and everyone else along the way who pushed me to do things that I didn't think I could do. Today I thank you. *bum bum bum bum* (for those with an instrument - c f e g).
One thing that kept me going whilst biking through the grassy sand dunes today was the fantasy that I was actually a giant biking through the mountains. It was pretty entertaining and made it seem like we were going super fast. In the real world, due to inclement weather, we only covered about 30k today, pulling off at a campsite around 1 o'clock, drenched to the bone.
Alas we have dried and are indulging in cotton, ghurkins and leftover spanish rice equivalent (as close as camping foodies on a budget can get). So hope you had your hat and a strong grip today. Otherwise, back to the hat store; tomorrow is another day.
You must make exceptions in order for exceptional things to happen.
nice commentary Nate!! so sorry for your wet weather though :( things will dry up soon! you both are adventure seekers....and finders!! hang in there...hug on to each other for warmth!!!!! I love you both...stay safe and warm..and soon I hope Anne...aka Mamama
ReplyDeleteWow, I feel soaked just reading your blog! Nate, I had not realized what a good writer you are (sorry!!!). Your style and Lucy's are very different ---and I enjoy each and every word that each of you writes! You guys have a great attitude -- I think I would have hunkered down and been grumpy. And it's very cool that you have felt pushed by Mom and me .. and Andrew and others do things you didn't think you could do. Keep thriving in the exceptional ting you are both doing. (oh, I went to the piano and hit c f e g -- but I didnt recognize it. Arrrgh!). Love and hugs (and symbolic towels) to you both, Dad/Shel